Saturday, 28 March 2015

Getting A Game Day Face For the Web

For those who know very little about makeup and who need a pictorial step-by-step guide on how to apply, this web show is for you.

Terry Jacobs is an internationally known makeup artist who graciously gave the Virtual Newsmakers duo a free lesson.

If you can't fathom leaving the house without makeup, you wouldn't be caught dead broadcasting a live show to the Internet without makeup. Kudos to Cynthia Seymour for putting on a brave face in this demonstration.

If truth be told, your Virtual Newsmakers hosts sometimes scramble at the last minute to "put their faces" on before clicking the On Air switch in the Hangout. So as to not let Cynthia face the camera naked alone, Debbie Elicksen captured her own primping routine.

Friday, 27 March 2015

The Launch Into G+ Hangouts

Chris Yates was a trooper. He graciously stepped in to save our launch when another guest had to reschedule.

He was no stranger to media, having started out as a traditional television broadcaster then turned to webcasting. We knew we could learn a lot from him.

One of the best moments of the show was when he described his interview with Grumpy Cat at the 2013 SxSW

One of his nuggets is something we can verify as we have worked through some technical challenges in creating the Virtual Newsmakers Show. He says when you are just starting off, you are going to suck on camera. So suck early and suck often... and get it out of the way.  

Even with some prep time leading up to the launch, poor and spotty Internet connections sometimes took away from the fluidity of our earlier shows. People bounced off and came back the hosts. But it was a great beginning and we knew we were going to have a blast.

Virtual Newsmakers is co-hosted by Cynthia K. Seymour and Debbie Elicksen