Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Nix Your Cyberbully

Cyberbullying isn’t just in the school yard. These Internet trolls may be creditors, disgruntled employees, people who were NOT hired for a job opening, or someone who just decided they don’t like you or your product.

No one is immune.

Nix your cyberbully.

Internet security expert Rob Cairns says before anyone should trust a trashy post or website that is dedicated to libeling a person, check them out on Twitter. Chances are you’ll be able to see a person’s true character in their feed.

The cyberbully’s post may be the only detrimental post on the Internet, regardless of where it ranks in Google. That may be a clue. It says more about the person who made the effort to libel another than it does about the person they are trying to besmirch. It’s that one person’s opinion.

The first thing you need to know to nix your cyberbully is that the people who know you, know you. They won’t believe the post is true.

The first action step you take is to NOT feed the bully. Do not engage under any circumstances. Instead, document and gather evidence. Screenshot everything and keep a file.

Set up a Google alert on your name and your business name. Screenshot any detrimental posts that appear.

Cyberbullying and cyberlibel are against the law.

Go to the police and file a report. Get a case number. Document everything. Note that the laws are similar in the United States and Canada, as well as other countries.

Digital media is the medium, not the mindset, so try to not let the cyberbully control your day-to-day life. Post good stuff to drown him/her out. Use common sense when you post, too. Don’t become what your cyberbully is, no matter how tempting.

There are a lot of simple steps you can take to manage your digital footprint. You can nix your cyberbully by careful and strategic moves to reclaim your life.

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